A’OLE PGV FEST date confirmed 📣 06/11/22 Hawaiian Kingdom - new flyer and poster in works for circulation

 Aloha Puna 

I love you.

Some info to keep in mind as we await demonstration day . 




I must bring to the attention while we are here , the severity of this , in regards to human health & well-being.

Read for yourself the blatant truths in Puna Geothermal Ventures own emergency response plan 2021 ( a 300 something page pdf, will post link. Please do your own thorough research)

 I am a personal victim of this , and I will not stop fighting this until PGV is decommissioned. I won’t let my daughter suffer like my dad and myself have for 33 years , and most of the surrounding residents of this foreign Israeli entity, which mind you is completely illegally operating above all law on earth and has been hushing up the people for 35 years , desecrating sacred Hawaiian lands and quietly expanding as we speak when their 1987 EIS recommended they DECOMMISSION at 35 years (THIS YEAR) and return WAO KELE O PUNA to its former tropical rainforest (which according to this may not be possible if you read the caustic soda info, and what happens when it leaks into the aina . ) 

it’s also the reason they refuse to do another EIS or get any monitoring for all the sick residents : because it will prove the disaster they caused, for generations to come in Puna. 

Oh Hi! How are ya ? Here’s some Pentane info (from same PGV emergency response plan), remember folks pentane is what PGV LIED TO THE ENTIRE COMMUNITY ABOUT DURING THE 2018 eruption that got a thousand times worse when they quenched their HOT LAVA WELLS WITH COLD SALT WATER, causing massive explosions ( the line of fissures matches the well line ) . Also keep in mind that these 24 active kilauea geothermal fissures are 24/7 spewing out these hazardous ☢️ chemicals into our children’s body’s and our land , and they have the nerve to say they are seeking out other areas , such as the BASE OF THE MAUNA , for geothermal as to “spread the risk”

Amazing , the chemical hazards that we are just permeating in since 1990, human life & Aina.

Another thing. It’s always raining . People literally watch this grey haze settle around them, feel extremely sick and get scared. If the water makes it so much worse , I’m just flabbergasted as to why this is allowed to gas residents for decades in one of the wettest climates in hawaii.

Frikin idiotic yeah. 

Time has come this ends. 

Date for our demonstration event day is KING KAMEHAMEHA DAY 2022 06/11/22 , which also just so happens to be the day before a major anniversary , the 30th anniversary that is, of the massive PGV BLOWOUT OF 92. 

It’s time Hawaiian Kingdom is heard by the PGV darkness. Our light will drive them out , and they know it , so they hush us up and pay us residents off , all officials and reps and anyone who could help us, and act like we are crazy . No more . . 

We must come together for our Hawaii before it’s literally to late.

This is not righteous, this is not pono.


Love you guys 


Jazzy out 


30 years since this massive Blowout . I was 4. My entire childhood is filled with memories of our birds dying from the air on Mohala street , us being paid off by the geothermal to leave and stay weeks in Kona (all paid for ofcourse by wonderful friendly neighborhood 🤮  PGV ) and sicknesses and running from gassings and leaks . Enough is enough. Now in 2022 I’m getting gassed , and my child who has a breathing nebulizor due to this, along with all the opihikau-pohoiki Sacred coast … we are just marinating in it 24/7. 


See you in Hawaiian Kingdom on King Kamehameha day 

Ps please support my mom and her ongoing fight in court for the people against  this evil foreign entity. https://lerzpunanewsblog.blogspot.com/2022/04/please-help-sara-steiner-jackson-in-her.html


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